The Wide World Of Cats Is Easy To Understand With Simple Tips


when it comes to owning a cat, there are many things an owner needs to be responsible for. If you are considering getting a cat for a pet, this article is for you. Read on and learn what things every cat owner should know in order for their pet to be happy and healthy.

Watch the amount of treats that you give your cat. Like humans, cats can easily overeat junk food. This can cause them to gain weight and may lead to some health problems like heart issues and diabetes. If you do give your cat treats, give them a small amount and make it a special thing instead of a regular routine.

Choose a high quality food. The key to a healthy cat starts with nutrition. Take a look at the ingredients label. If you look at most “popular” commercial cat foods, you may be surprised to see the top ingredient listed is corn. Cats are carnivores, so look for a food with a real meat as the top ingredient. You may pay more up front, but these foods are often more nutritionally dense, meaning your cat eats less and the bag lasts longer.

If your dog and cat are best friends, be sure to keep them separate after flea treatment. Your dog’s flea products are very hazardous for cats. Cats that come in contact with dog flea products often die. Be sure to use only cat products on your cat and only dog products on your dog.

It may prove quite a challenge to make your cat stay off counter tops. Cats like to climb on things and a counter can look very inviting. Making a place high-up for your cat can solve this issue. Your cat will not go on your counters if there’s a cat tower close to the kitchen.

If you cat is pregnant is with babies, you can expect to have a lot of kittens on your hands. Create a comfortable place for the cat to deliver her babies somewhere in your home. Make sure the spot is big enough for the kittens to move around as they grow.

Make your own enclosed litter box from a large tote box with a lid. Use a coffee can lid as a pattern to cut a door in one side of the tote. Place the coffee can lid fairly high up on the side of the tote. Trace around it with a permanent marker. Cut out the circle with tin snips or a box cutter. Add litter. Put on the lid.

Use petting to check on your cat’s health. Petting isn’t just a way for you and your cat to spend time together, but it’s a great way to find anything abnormal on their body. You can pet them to feel for bumps, lumps, or sores. This is also a great time for you to check their ears.

Whenever you take your cat anywhere, use a cat carrier. No matter how gentle your cat is, it could become frightened. If this happens, it could bolt off and be quickly lost, injured or killed. At the vet’s office, your cat will be safe from unpredictable animals if you use a pet carrier.

Cats can really be so much more than pets, they can be lifelong companions. It has been proven that cats can decrease your blood pressure, lessen the symptoms of depression and help you to live a longer happier life. If you feel like something is missing in your life, you might just need a cat.

Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Let your children know what rooms you will allow the cat to go into. If you’re raising an indoor cat, inform your kids that the cat can’t go outside. By getting these rules into place before having a cat, you’ll be sure that your children can understand.

While it is perfectly normal for a dog to pant a lot of the time, you should be alarmed if you notice your cat doing it. It may only be a small case of anxiety, but in some cases it is something much more serious like cardiovascular or respiratory distress.

If your feline friend is having kittens, make sure to give her lots of room to birth in. The process generally takes about three hours, so you must exercise patience. Bring your cat to her vet immediately if six hours have passed without all the kittens coming out.

Never use chemicals that have phenol in it near your cat. This chemical is often found in cleaning products such as Pine-Sol and Lysol. The smell is something that cats don’t like, and it also can lead to liver damage if it is used around your cats for a long period of time.

You schedule your doctor’s appointments on a regular basis and you should do the same with your new cat. Cats need regular checkups to make sure they haven’t caught any bugs or infections in the wild. Many cats actually deal with obesity as well and a vet will be able to point this out.

Don’t offer table scraps to your cat as a treat. Cats need special food of their own, which contain certain vital nutrients specifically beneficial to cats. However, many cats relish a small cube of cooked, unseasoned beef or chicken. Eggs are also welcomed. But, simply by adhering to the weight and age recommendations on cat food packaging, you will ensure a proper diet.

While owning a cat has many benefits, it also requires a great deal of work. Be sure and implement the tips and tricks mentioned in the article above in order to give your cat the best life possible. A happy cat will serve as a wonderful companion for years and years.